Privacy Policy

JapanHarvest, a Specified Nonprofit Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Organization"), acknowledges the significance of safeguarding personal information in the services rendered on this website. In compliance with pertinent laws governing the protection of personal information, the Organization hereby establishes the following Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy").

  1. Definition of Personal Information "Personal information" denotes data pertaining to a living individual as defined by the Personal Information Protection Act. This includes but is not limited to identifiable information such as names, dates of birth, addresses, phone numbers, and other descriptors, along with data on appearance, fingerprints, voiceprints, and individual identification information, such as insurance numbers on health insurance cards.
  2. Acquisition of Personal Information The Organization acquires personal information through lawful and appropriate means, encompassing activities such as donations, food contributions, volunteer involvement, inquiries, and recruitment processes.
  3. Purpose of Personal Information Usage The purposes for which the Organization utilizes personal information include: • Facilitating the operation of Organization activities • Responding to customer inquiries, including identity verification • Dispatching receipts, gratitude letters, etc. • Formulating and enhancing statistical data and improving information dissemination in a format that does not permit individual identification
  4. Modification of Usage Purposes The Organization will alter the purposes of personal information usage solely if reasonably deemed relevant to the pre-existing objectives. Should a modification occur, the Organization will notify customers of the amended purposes through the prescribed method or publish them on this website.
  5. Security Measures for Personal Data The Organization implements measures to safeguard personal information in accordance with regulations concerning information security. These measures encompass the management of said information, the specification of methods for its removal, and the prevention of unauthorized access by third parties to prevent data leakage, loss, alteration, destruction, etc.
  6. Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties With the exception of the following circumstances, the Organization will not disclose personal information to third parties without the prior consent of customers:
    • When prior consent for disclosure has been obtained from the customer
    • When disclosure is mandated by law
    • When disclosure is essential for safeguarding life, body, or property, and obtaining consent from the individual is challenging
    • When deemed necessary by the Organization to execute the usage of personal information as outlined in point 3
  7. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) This website is equipped with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) functionality, encrypting information to prevent eavesdropping and data tampering during transmission. User-entered personal information such as names, addresses, and phone numbers is automatically encrypted.
  8. Access Analysis Tools This website utilizes Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google, to collect user traffic data through the use of cookies. This data is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals. Users may also opt to decline the collection of traffic data by disabling cookies in their browser settings.
  9. Cookies To enhance service convenience, we employ cookies, a technology that temporarily stores information entered on pages. The information contained in cookies is limited to details pertaining to access to the Organization's website and other sites, excluding personal information such as names, addresses, email addresses, or phone numbers. Users retain the option to disable cookies in their browser settings.
  10. Consultation on Personal Information Handling For inquiries, concerns, or other matters pertaining to the handling of personal information by the Organization, please contact the following:

JapanHarvest Specified Nonprofit Corporation
2440-52 Ueno, Kibichuo-cho, Kaga-gun, Okayama, Japan
TEL. 080-5755-1995

Contact Form